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Why Choose Broussard Law Firm?

Our first step is sending a “Proof of Loss,” which is a package we prepare and send to the insurance company with EVERYTHING they need to pay your claim. We do this to eliminate any excuses for non-payment.

We give the insurance company 60 days to pay after the PROOF OF LOSS. We only charge 10% on the money paid during the 60 days. If they fail to pay within 60 days, our fee changes to 40% because we file a lawsuit and work until they pay full price plus the penalties, attorney fees, and expenses.

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Good People Make The Best Lawyers

Broussard Law Firm takes pride in walking, talking, and living like real people, not lawyers. For over 40 years, our teams have treated our clients, with respect and understanding. When the time comes, we can suit-up and lawyer with the best of them. We serve the entire state of Louisiana with offices in Lake Charles and the New Orleans area.

  • Aaron Broussard

    Partner - Trial Lawyer

FREE Case Review

Ready To Get Started?

Get the advice, help, and ultimately the compensation you’re owed.

Or give us a call at 844-EYE-WALL

Broussard Law Firm

1301 Common Street
Lake Charles, LA

Broussard Law Firm

321 Veterans Memorial Blvd
Suite 205
Metairie, LA